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Sathu Jois - Personal Biography

Sathu Jois

Sathu Jois had a curiosity for yoga since she was an infant. Her father being Manju Jois, she has always been exposed to yoga and would travel with him to various workshops around the world for as long as she can remember. She feels honored to be born into a yoga family. Born on July 22, 2002, she is now 18, in college, and studying to uphold her family's legacy. While in college, she is taking more teacher training classes to further her knowledge.

Growing up as a dancer, Sathu always loved to move and contort her body. As a child, she would join her father's students while he taught class and was amazed at how graceful and strong her peers were. She started studying more seriously with Manju during the coronavirus pandemic since she was in lockdown from school and dance and had a lot of time on her hands. Yoga helped her stay calm and healthy during the pandemic and fueled a love for working with her father.

Sathu continues to train with her father and learns more and more every day. Once the pandemic subsides, she plans on traveling with her father to assist him in his classes in order to prepare herself for teaching on her own and living up to the family name.


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